Help Using HomeRoutines

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Routines ^

Routines are the repeaty-stuff we’re here for. Each routine is a list of tasks which repeats as a whole, on the schedule you set.

Focus Zones ^

In Home Routines you can make lists of detailed jobs for each room of your house.
These room job lists are grouped into Focus Zones, with the idea that you can work through each zone or area of your house each month or week.

Staying in Sync ^

My.HomeRoutines is our free sync service. App owners can also use it to edit their routines online. (It’s at

Backup and Restore ^

 Daily Reminders ^

  • Daily Reminders are the messages or positive thoughts or memos that you create to appear on your home screen each day of the week.

To Do Lists ^

  • Our simple To Do lists to capture your lists for today, tomorrow and later, and share your lists.

Copying and Pasting ^

Accomplishments ^

The timer ^

Help and Support ^