Frequently Asked Questions


How do I reset the app to default settings?
There are a couple of different ways to reset the app to the defaults.
Warning: all these approaches will overwrite all of your routines, todo lists, and zones.
Option 1: From If you have a My.HomeRoutines account, you can reset you account to the default lists. This will affect all devices syncing with your My.HomeRoutines account.Firstly, download and save this file to your computer:  Default Settings for HomeRoutines
  1. Log in to
  2. Click the “Account” tab.
  3. Click the “Choose File” button, and select the default settings file you saved above.
  4. Click the “Restore Backup” button.
  5. You will see a short success message, then you may click the back button to return to the My.HomeRoutines site.
Or, Option 2: Delete and re-install the app Alternatively, you can just do it with the device itself:
  1. Touch and hold any application icon on the Home screen until the icons start to wiggle.
  2. Tap the “x” in the corner of the HomeRoutines app.
  3. Tap Delete to remove the application and all of its data from your device touch.
  4. Press the Home button to save your arrangement.
  5. Go to the App Store on your device.
  6. Go to the Updates tab and select “Purchases”. Locate HomeRoutines and touch the install button.
I used to have this app then I deleted it. How do I get it back?
  1. Go to the App Store on your device.
  2. Go to the Updates tab and select “Purchases”.
  3. Locate HomeRoutines and touch the install button. It will download for free.
Is there a seperate iPad app?

No, HomeRoutines is a universal app, so the same app works on both iPad and your iPhone or iPod Touch.

What is HomeRoutines Vintage?

(Long story)

“HomeRoutines Vintage” is what was the iPad-only version of HomeRoutines, before we saw the light and made the app universal.

We have left this version in the App Store as a courtesy to people who bought HomeRoutines for iPad in the past, so we can continue to send them updates. It is identical in every way to HomeRoutines.

We gave it a sucky-looking grey icon in the App store to try and shoo away new customers, not that there is anything wrong with the app.
The icon will be its usual cheerful colours on your device.



Focus Zones FAQ

Can I create a customised zone schedule?

HomeRoutines does not offer any other zone scheduling options right now. But we know that a lot of people want them, and it’s on our to-do list.

Can I have more than 7 zones? Or less than 5?

You can have less than five zones, but you can’t add more than seven yet. But we know that a lot of people want this, and it’s on our to-do list.


How can I print out my routines?

HomeRoutines doesn’t have built-in printing support yet, but we are planning to add this feature.

In the meantime, you can work around this by touching the action button at the bottom of a routine or Todo list (it’s the one that looks like a box with a curved arrow coming out of it) and emailing the task list to yourself to print.

Other devices

Are you making an Android version?

Sorry, we do not plan to make an Android version.

Can I register for without the app?

No, sorry, you need to use the app to register for My.Homeroutines at this time.

Is there a seperate iPad app?

No, HomeRoutines is a universal app, so the same app works on both iPad and your iPhone or iPod Touch.


Why aren’t my reminders appearing?

There are two possible causes for this. The first is that, because you can run HomeRoutines on more than one device, you are able to switch reminders off on one of them (so you don’t have every device in the house reminding you it’s time to pack the lunchboxes)

How to check this:
1) Tap “Help and Settings” at the bottom of the home screen
2) Tap “Settings”
3) Ensure that the switch for Reminders is set to On.

The second possible reason may be that your local notifications for the app are switched off.

How to fix this:
1) Open your device’s Settings app
2) Tap “Notifications”.
3) Scroll down, and you’ll probably see HomeRoutines in the “Not in Notification Center” section.
4)Tap that line, then turn on “Notification Center”, set the Alert Style to “Alerts”, turn on “Sounds” and turn on “View in Lock Screen”.

Why can’t I hear my timer alert/reminder alarm?

If you see the notifications and timer messages, but not hear them, it is probably due to your device’s notification/ringer volume settings.

First, check that your phone’s mute switch is not turned on.  Second, check your settings:

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Scroll down to “Sounds” and touch it.
  3. Check the volume under “Ringers and Alerts”

Thirdly,  make sure HomeRoutines is allowed to play sounds on your device.  The Notification Center, in your device’s Settings app, tells apps what sorts of reminders you want them to be able to give you.


Can I have a really specific repeat pattern, for things on the first of the month etc?

We have monthly and bi-weekly scheduling coming now, and we’re working on a few more things for after that.

On the other hand, if there’s stuff you absolutely, positively need to do on a certain day of the year, then that probably belongs in your calendar. HomeRoutines isn’t intended to nag you about particular appointments.

Can I set up individual tasks as recurring, e.g. every six weeks from completion?

No, HomeRoutines doesn’t offer that feature yet, although we do plan to add it.

How do I keep a record of when I last completed a task?

We don’t retain a history of accomplishments at the moment. Partly this is by design, e.g., once you’ve mopped your floor, it’s mopped, it doesn’t matter if you didn’t do it at some point in the past. But we are thinking about ways to keep a history of the positive side of accomplishments in future.

How do I schedule a routine for a different day?

In Home Routines you first create a routine, then schedule it afterwards, rather than selecting a calendar day to place it on like an event.

You can create routines for different days of the week, or use a bi-weekly or monthly pattern. Just create a new routine (e.g., “Wednesday Mornings”) then open it. Then touch the routine schedule icon at the bottom of the task list. It looks like a little calendar, and probably says something like “Show every day” at the moment. Once you touch the routine schedule, you can go on to select a routine type – weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or manual – and the days you would like the routine to appear and reset.

If you schedule a routine reminder, it will be active on every day the routine is shown. This page of the help has a guide to the different schedule choices:

On the Home screen, you can use the All/Today button in the top left corner to toggle between the list of routines you have scheduled for today, and a list of all your routines.

How do I schedule a seasonal routine?

In Home Routines you first create a routine, then schedule it afterwards, rather than selecting a calendar day or month to place it on like a calendar event.

Just create a new routine (e.g., “Holiday tasks”) then open it.

At the very bottom of your task list, below the regular scheduling stuff, there is a sort of doughnut icon which says “Show in every month”. Just touch that row, and you will be able to select a set of months for the routine to be displayed.

This works in conjunction with any other routine schedule; for example, you can have a bi-weekly routine which is only shown in January and February.

If you schedule a routine reminder, it will be active on every day the routine is shown.

On the Home screen, you can use the All/Today button in the top left corner to toggle between the list of routines you have scheduled for today, and a list of all your routines.

Sync and My.HomeRoutines

Can I register for without the app?

No, sorry, you need to use the app to register for My.Homeroutines at this time.

Can I share an account/app between two devices?

Yes, if you and the person you want to share with both log in with the same My.HomeRoutines account – then your devices and lists can stay in sync.

How do I schedule routines on My.Homeroutines?

Sorry, you can’t edit the scheduling of routines online at present.

How do I sync between two devices?

To sync the two copies of the program, you just need to register for a free My.HomeRoutines account – then your devices can sync wirelessly, and you can edit your routines online.

I forgot my My.HomeRoutines password.

You can reset your password from the app. You need to log out of your My.HomeRoutines account to do this if you’re currently logged in, then the “Forgot Password?” item will be available in the My.HomeRoutines menu.

I want to change my My.Homeroutines password

You can reset your password from the app. You need to log out of your My.HomeRoutines account to do this if you’re currently logged in, then the “Forgot Password?” item will be available in the My.HomeRoutines menu.

I want to close my My.HomeRoutines account

Please contact us and we will delete your account and all your data.

To Do List

Can I set up individual tasks as recurring, e.g. every six weeks from completion?

No, HomeRoutines doesn’t offer that feature yet, although we do plan to add it.

How do I get my completed To Do tasks to disappear?

You can delete your completed to-do tasks by tapping the “clear stars” button at the bottom of the screen.

We plan to revamp the To Do section in a coming update to move items to a completed list once they are checked off, as well as some other improvements.

How do I get my completed To Do tasks to move to a “Completed” list?

At the moment the completed to do tasks stay where they are. You can delete your completed to-do tasks by tapping the “clear stars” button at the bottom of the screen. We plan to revamp the To Do section in a coming update to move items to a completed list once they are checked off, as well as some other improvements.