
AppAdvice: Essential app
April, 2014

HomeRoutines is an essential app when it comes to managing your chores. The app is universal and is ideal for anyone. Chores are broken down by days of the week, but it doesn't end there. Each day is then broken down into morning and evening chores. The app includes a feature called "Focus Zones," which assigns certain rooms of your house to specific days for cleaning. The organization this app provides for a household is revolutionary and is well worth twice its price.

AppAdvice: Essential app
February, 2014

I’ve tried several times to find a way to stay on top of housework, and Home Routines is the first thing I’ve found that works for me. I don’t have to work at it to keep it up to date, and it’s just easy to use. Plus, at the end of the day I get a list that shows me all the things I did which gives me a sense of accomplishment. If you find yourself struggling trying to remember what all needs to be done around the house, you’ll likely find it helpful too.

June, 2013

DO use checklists to stay on track! I love the HomeRoutines app because I can create separate routines for different times of day and list my tasks in the order I need to complete them. It also has a built-in timer that I can set as I check off each task! (You know how I love using timers!) HomeRoutines also has tons of cleaning routines already built in...

February, 2013

Home Routines divides your house into “zones” that you focus on cleaning each week. Spending 15 minutes in your focus zone every day helps you to tackle the little cleaning jobs that you would most likely avoid, thinking you don’t have time (dusting baseboards, anyone?). The app is very well designed and fun to use! After using Home Routines for a month, you will have cleaned your house from top to bottom!

December, 2012
The only routine organizing app I need.

My favorite app of them all is probably Home Routines. It’s not Pagan at all, but it’s a fantastic organizational tool for keeping track of routine tasks (like housework… or ritual work!) that has super easy to navigate daily, weekly, and monthly tasks –as well as To Do lists for non-recurring items. A built in timer, stars, and the ability to add daily notes make this the only routine organizing app I need. I love it.

August, 2011

HabitHacker + HomeRoutines, true love always.

April, 2010

Highly recommended for anyone with an iPhone. Even worth getting an iphone just to run it.

March, 2010

HomeRoutines is a great app that can change your home and your life! That might sound extreme, but with this tool, you can start making small changes to your life to make it more peaceful. Who wouldn’t want that, right?! I HIGHLY recommend it to all!